No fish, no meat: government support was requested for the production of alternative food

The Russian Union of Industrialists and & nbsp; Entrepreneurs (RUIE) drew the government's attention to the & nbsp; alternative food industry. The & nbsp; organizations are confident that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; future this will allow domestic producers to compete with & nbsp; Western companies. Details & nbsp; & mdash; See the & nbsp; material of Izvestia.

Support for & nbsp; new products

The & nbsp; RSPP said that & nbsp; developed a plan for & nbsp; development of fundamentally new technologies that can be used in & nbsp; agriculture and & nbsp; food production. & Nbsp; This became known in & nbsp; the beginning of December.

Alternative food means food made from & nbsp; synthesized or natural protein.

But & nbsp; in order for this area to attract entrepreneurs, the state needs support: concessional lending, full or partial compensation for capital investments, subsidies for & nbsp; purchase of production equipment, a simpler certification system. According to the & nbsp; authors of the initiative, today technologies have been developed that make it possible to quickly analyze the composition and & nbsp; assess the quality of the product.

The development of the field of alternative food products also requires an extensive regulatory framework.

At the moment, the legislation does not enshrine the concept of “alternative food products”, there are no standards for production and sale.

In Western countries, such developments are more popular than in & nbsp; Russia, pay attention to the & nbsp; RUIE.

& quot; The volume of funds invested in & nbsp; venture high-tech projects in the & nbsp; USA alone reached $ 239 billion for & nbsp; three quarters of this year. In & nbsp; Russia & nbsp; same & nbsp; the amount of investment for & nbsp; three years did not & nbsp; exceed $ 300 & nbsp; million & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; The press service quotes the words of the vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the chairman of the committee for & nbsp; investment policy, development institutions and & nbsp; export support of the union Igor Vdovin.

In addition to the release of food, we are talking about & nbsp; development and & nbsp; application of biological fertilizers and & nbsp; biosecurity from & nbsp; harmful insects. According to the & nbsp; opinion of industrialists, the development of biotechnology can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse emissions in & nbsp; agriculture, which produces up to & nbsp; a third of all greenhouse gases in the & nbsp; country, and & nbsp; also the restoration of soil.

