The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia and the West have come to a critical line

Biden's readiness to & nbsp; establish a serious dialogue on & nbsp; issues related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Such a dialogue is urgently needed today, when relations between Russia and the & nbsp; collective West continue to degrade and & nbsp; have come to & nbsp; critical line & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message.

The & nbsp; Foreign Ministry stressed that & nbsp; the refusal of the United States and & nbsp; other NATO countries from & nbsp; deployment of strike weapons systems on & nbsp; the territory of countries bordering & nbsp; Russia should be legally secured.

< p> Earlier, the & nbsp; department warned against & nbsp; “ pulling in '' Ukraine in & nbsp; NATO, as this can lead to & nbsp; deployment in & nbsp; country of strike missile systems with & nbsp; minimum time of approach to & nbsp; Russia. Diplomats noted that & nbsp; 'irresponsible behavior' Western countries threaten the security of Russia and & nbsp; may lead to a large-scale military conflict in & nbsp; Europe.

Dmitry Malov

