The Cabinet of Ministers completely closed the entry to Russia from nine countries due to covid

The document makes changes to the & nbsp; order dated & nbsp; 16 & nbsp; March 2020, which introduced a temporary restriction on entry to the Russian Federation & nbsp; citizens and & nbsp; persons without & nbsp; citizenship, but & nbsp; also & nbsp; determined the circle of persons not & nbsp; falling under these restrictions.

The exemptions were in effect, in particular, for holders of diplomatic and service passports, the same visas; crews of air, sea and river vessels, train and locomotive crews.

According to the new document, when entering from & nbsp; a number of countries, these exceptions do not & nbsp; apply. “ Botswana, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Eswatini, South Africa '', & nbsp; & mdash; specified in the & nbsp; list of such territories. Thus, the entry of foreigners from there to & nbsp; Russia is temporarily completely prohibited.

Earlier in the & nbsp; operational headquarters for & nbsp; the fight against & nbsp; new coronavirus infection announced that & nbsp; entry into & nbsp; RF of foreigners living in & nbsp; the territory of Hong Kong and & nbsp; a number of countries in southern Africa will be limited due to & nbsp; the spread of a new strain of infection.

On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the strain of coronavirus B.1.1.529, found in & nbsp; southern Africa, with the Greek letter & laquo ; omicron ''. The & nbsp; statement by the WHO said that & nbsp; & nbsp; this variety “ has a large number of mutations, some of which are of concern. ''

The global epicenter of the omicron strain is South & nbsp; Africa. The largest number of those infected with it & nbsp; identified in & nbsp; South Africa. The new strain was discovered & nbsp; already in & nbsp; more than & nbsp; 50 countries. With & nbsp; this has not yet & nbsp; recorded not a single death case among those infected with the omicron strain.

