What can Russia lose if it is disconnected from the SWIFT payment system

Disconnecting Russia from the & nbsp; SWIFT global international communications system has been offered since & nbsp; 2014. It is believed that & nbsp; if Russian banks are cut off from & nbsp; this payment system, then & nbsp; exporters will face & nbsp; problems when & nbsp; selling goods beyond the & nbsp; border & nbsp; & mdash; buyers simply will not & nbsp; be able to settle accounts and & nbsp; transfer money to Russian sellers.

And & nbsp; and & nbsp; the United States is again discussing such measures with & nbsp; European partners, but & nbsp; the final decision has not yet been & nbsp; made. The Americans propose to implement such a measure in the & nbsp; case of a & quot; Russian attack on & nbsp; Ukraine & quot ;.

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However, the threat is more symbolic. In the & nbsp; previous seven years, despite & nbsp; many “ recent warnings '', it never & nbsp; was implemented. And & nbsp; on & nbsp; then & nbsp; has a reason.

The point is & nbsp; is that & nbsp; SWIFT & nbsp; & mdash; just one of the & nbsp; possible communication options between banks. Yes, in & nbsp; currently the most popular, but not & nbsp; irreplaceable. In & nbsp; Russia, SWIFT standards were introduced only from & nbsp; 2005 & nbsp; & mdash; before & nbsp; our banks quite effectively used another interbank system & nbsp; & mdash; Telex. For & nbsp; most of & nbsp; them, it is up to & nbsp; still stands in & nbsp; as a backup.

& mdash; & nbsp; In & nbsp; 2014, the Russian & nbsp; Central Bank even conducted stress testing of the Telex system, everything went fine, & nbsp; & mdash ; told Life the head of a Russian bank included in the & nbsp; top-10. & mdash; & nbsp; In general, to reverse the transition to & nbsp; this system will not & nbsp; be a problem, although & nbsp; will require some costs. It will cost a maximum of & nbsp; 30 & minus; 50 thousand euros, which & nbsp; for a & nbsp; large bank or company is not & nbsp; is not a problem. Yes, it is outdated, in & nbsp; you have to do a lot of it “ by hand '', but, again & nbsp; this will not & nbsp; have a significant impact on & nbsp; translations. In fact, the company itself will suffer from the & nbsp; disconnection of SWIFT, because it will lose its commissions.

