The Ministry of Labor has prepared proposals to compensate for inflation for pensioners

According to & nbsp; Kotyakov's words, the proposals were prepared within the & nbsp; framework of an additional instruction from the Russian leader on & nbsp; the need to provide & laquo; additional compensation & quot; high inflation & quot; .

In the near future, appropriate decisions should be made, the minister added.

In November, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that & nbsp; the country's authorities should not deviate from the & nbsp; principle of indexing pensions faster than inflation, proposals for & nbsp; specific parameters are being worked out in & nbsp ; Cabinet, Administration, and & nbsp; State Duma.

The State Duma Committee on Social Policy announced & nbsp; readiness to make amendments to & nbsp; pension legislation for & nbsp; indexation of pensions according to & nbsp; the level of actual inflation.

At & nbsp; at the beginning of this month, the head of the law firm AVG Legal Alexey Gavrishev told Izvestia that & nbsp; introduced in & nbsp; Russia with & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; dec Brya, the indexation of pension payments in & nbsp; first of all, will affect older people who have reached the age of 80 by & nbsp; 30 & nbsp; November. According to the & nbsp; lawyer, in addition to the basic pension payments, they will & nbsp; be assigned a fixed payment to & nbsp; insurance pension, which will be 100% of & nbsp; it, then & nbsp; there are more than 6 thousand rubles.

Indexation will also affect citizens who have left on a & nbsp; pension after 31 & nbsp; July 2021. In addition, citizens who have applied for & nbsp; recalculation can apply for increased pensions. From & nbsp; December 1 & nbsp; 1.5 thousand rubles more should be received by pensioners who have submitted documents to the & nbsp; Pension Fund of Russia, testifying to & nbsp; their work experience in & nbsp; rural areas for over 30 years.

