The Ministry of Construction clarified the situation with fines for glazing balconies

'Penalties & lt; & hellip; & gt; are not an innovation, they existed and & nbsp; before. Supervisory authorities have the right and & nbsp; now to apply penalties for & nbsp; violation of the rules of redevelopment and & nbsp; reconstruction, and & nbsp; also regional improvement rules, if they contain requirements for & nbsp; appearance of buildings & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated in the & nbsp; ministry.

From the & nbsp; specified period in & nbsp; the country will begin to operate new rules for the use of residential premises, which, in & nbsp; including, imply punishment for & nbsp; unauthorized cladding or glazing. The & nbsp; department noted that & nbsp; the changes will not & nbsp; entail the emergence of new requirements.

It is clarified that & nbsp; to & nbsp; common property in an & nbsp; apartment building includes only balcony slabs. Therefore, the parapet and & nbsp; balcony visor, balcony doors and & nbsp; openings, windows & nbsp; & mdash; all this refers to & nbsp; personal property, which the owner disposes at & nbsp; his discretion.

At & nbsp; at the same time, the appearance of the house, including & nbsp; including the glazing of facades, can be regulated by municipal legal acts and & nbsp; regional laws. Sanctions for & nbsp; violation of their & nbsp; provisions are also determined by local authorities.

The agency recommended that residents, before & nbsp; perform work, familiarize themselves with & nbsp; improvement rules.

