Russian schoolgirl who passed physical education standards became disabled

Mash: a schoolgirl in Karelia became disabled after passing the standards for jumping in physical education on jumping in a physical education lesson, the parents of a teenager blame the leadership of the educational institution for this. This was reported in the Telegram channel Mash.

According to them, the teenager had health restrictions, but in April 2021 the girl was allowed to pass standards on an equal basis with other children.

On In gym class, she landed unsuccessfully on her right leg, and there was a crunching sound. The girl's parents claim that they could not help the child, since the school nurse did not have the necessary drugs and bandages. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, snow was applied to the girls' legs. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with a multi-splinter fracture with damage to the ligaments and meniscus.

The child spent all summer holidays on treatment and underwent a complex operation in St. Petersburg. At the same time, a check was carried out at the school, but those responsible were not found. After interfering with the history of the prosecutor's office, the educational institution nevertheless noticed violations of safety requirements.

The parents of the injured schoolgirl made the district court estimate the damage at 80 thousand rubles. Later, the Supreme Court of Karelia called a different amount – 300 thousand rubles.

Earlier in Udmurtia, an elementary school teacher was accused of beating up schoolchildren. A gymnasium teacher in the village of Krasnogorskoye allegedly systematically used physical punishment on children. Six children of the elementary school suffered from the actions of the teacher.

The head of the Russian region, Alexander Brechalov, ordered an inspection. The teacher has already been removed from work. They promised to provide psychological assistance to children and their parents.



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