Huge glowing robots helped Kostroma people celebrate Hanukkah

In Kostroma, huge glowing robots helped Kostroma residents celebrate Hanukkah

Luminous robots were invited to the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah in the Kostroma synagogue. This is reported on the website of the State TV and Radio Company “Kostroma”.

The fact is that for the Jews, Hanukkah is a holiday of light and fire, so candles are its main attribute. The first candle in the Kostroma synagogue was lit by Chief Rabbi Nison Ruppo. However, this time they approached the celebration in a creative way. Huge glowing robots invited to the holiday presented a show using various special effects.

Special festive sets with treats were distributed to the guests of the holiday. Even those who decided to stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic received them. “To reduce the chances of getting infected, we deliver a set with which you can celebrate a holiday at home. (…) We will also gather in small groups of people – in a narrow circle to eliminate the chances of getting infected, ”Ruppo said.

Earlier in Ufa, Orthodox, Muslims and Jews fought in an interfaith volleyball tournament. In the published footage from the competition, clergymen are playing ball in clerical robes and headdresses. The first place was taken by the team of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims, the second – the Ufa diocese, the third – the Jewish community.

