Ambassador Antonov spoke about the departure from the United States of 27 Russian diplomats

Russian Ambassador to Washington Antonov: 27 Russian diplomats with their families will leave the United States on January 30 Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov on YouTube- Soloviev Live announced that 27 Russian diplomats and their families would leave the United States on December 30. Our diplomats are being kicked out. On January 30, 27 people with their families will leave us, and on June 30, a similar number will leave. There is no overgrowth of the number of contacts into quality indicators. In reality, we are still perceived as adversaries. The atmosphere is poisoned by Russophobia Anatoly AntonovRussian Ambassador to the USA issue visas, and all this in light of Washington's declaration of respect for the family and traditional values. Earlier, the representative of Russia in the Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly, Sergei Leonidchenko, said that Moscow had asked the United Nations Secretary General for help because

Ukraine called Russia capable of freeing Europe from US occupation

Former deputy of Rada Muraev: only Russia and China are capable of freeing Europe from the US occupation on the air of the “NASH” TV channel said that Europe has been under US occupation since 1945. According to the politician, only Russia and China are capable of helping to free her. “It is impossible now to talk about a developed and independent Europe, because it has been under US occupation since 1945 and to get out of this occupation without Russia or China will not be able to. They are also tired, extreme right sentiments are growing, they get tired of the fact that they are always satisfied with migration crises, they want to live by their own interests, and not the agenda that is imposed on them from overseas and this is our common problem, ”said ex-deputy of the Rada. He added that Kiev should understand what kind of

Ukraine called Russia capable of freeing Europe from US occupation

Ex-deputy of Rada Muraev: only Russia and China are capable of freeing Europe from the US occupation on the air of the “NASH” TV channel said that Europe has been under US occupation since 1945. According to the politician, only Russia and China are capable of helping to free her. “It is impossible now to talk about a developed and independent Europe, because it has been under US occupation since 1945 and to get out of this occupation without Russia or China will not be able to. They are also tired, extreme right sentiments are growing, they get tired of the fact that they are always satisfied with migration crises, they want to live by their own interests, and not the agenda that is imposed on them from overseas and this is our common problem, ”said ex-deputy of the Rada. He added that Kiev should understand what kind of wars

Troops will receive Armata tanks by the end of the year

Military Representative Repin: by the end of the year, the Ground Forces will receive 20 Armata tanks The Ground Forces will receive 20 T-14 Armata tanks “Before the end of the year. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the interim chief of the 47th military mission, Major Dmitry Repin. Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexei Krivoruchko on Friday, November 26, visited Uralvagonzavod. At the enterprise, the deputy minister checked the production of tanks and held a meeting on the development of armored vehicles of the Ground Forces. “It is planned to supply 20 tanks based on the Armata T-14 heavy interspecific tracked platform by the end of 2021,” Repin, a military spokesman, said. According to him, under the terms of the contract, the tanks will be sent to combat units before the end of state tests. Repin added that work is now underway on an experimental-industrial

Troops will receive Armata tanks by the end of the year

Military Representative Repin: by the end of the year, the Ground Forces will receive 20 Armata tanks The Ground Forces will receive 20 T-14 Armata tanks “Before the end of the year. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the interim chief of the 47th military mission, Major Dmitry Repin. Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexei Krivoruchko on Friday, November 26, visited Uralvagonzavod. At the enterprise, the deputy minister checked the production of tanks and held a meeting on the development of armored vehicles of the Ground Forces. “It is planned to supply 20 tanks based on the Armata T-14 heavy interspecific tracked platform by the end of 2021,” Repin, a military spokesman, said. According to him, under the terms of the contract, the tanks will be sent to combat units before the end of state tests. Repin added that work is now underway on an experimental-industrial

Deadly famine predicted for the poorest countries in the world

Yara International CEO: Fertilizer Scarcity Could Cause Hunger in the World's Poorest world, Svein Tore Holseter, executive director of the Norwegian fertilizer company Yara International, predicted in an interview with the BBC. According to the head of the company, at the moment there is a shortage in the global fertilizer market. For the production of ammonia, which is present in many fertilizers, gas is used, the prices of which have risen sharply, increasing the cost of the fertilizers themselves. Along with other companies, Yara International was previously forced to reduce the production of its products. Holseter clarified that the decrease in fertilizer production means that farmers will not be able to grow crops as efficiently as before, leading to a deficit. He pointed out that the poorest countries will be hit hardest by food shortages. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the yield of corn, rapeseed and wheat. “This is really

Deadly famine predicted for the poorest countries in the world

Yara International CEO: Fertilizer Scarcity Could Cause Hunger in the World's Poorest Countries world, Svein Tore Holseter, executive director of the Norwegian fertilizer company Yara International, predicted in an interview with the BBC. According to the head of the company, at the moment there is a shortage in the global fertilizer market. For the production of ammonia, which is present in many fertilizers, gas is used, the prices of which have risen sharply, increasing the cost of the fertilizers themselves. Along with other companies, Yara International was previously forced to reduce the production of its products. Holseter clarified that the decrease in fertilizer production means that farmers will not be able to grow crops as efficiently as before, leading to a deficit. He pointed out that the poorest countries will be hit hardest by food shortages. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the yield of corn, rapeseed and wheat. “This is

Главный психиатр Москвы назвал признаки «ковидного тумана»

У людей, перенесших коронавирус, в зависимости от тяжести течения мог возникнуть спектр расстройств: спутанность сознания, возбуждение, галлюцинации, выполнение абсолютно не мотивированных действий. Еще большее число людей страдали от так называемого ковидного тумана, говорит Костюк. При таком состоянии невозможно сосредоточиться, не дается умственная работа, привычные, автоматизированные для человека действия деавтоматизируются. У многих пациентов после перенесенной инфекции иногда возникали приступы учащенного сердцебиения, что при общем тревожном фоне стало триггером для формирования панических атак, говорит Костюк. Увеличилось и число людей с паническими атаками, или, иначе, с пароксизмами тревоги. Для панических атак характерны ощущения нехватки воздуха, сердцебиение, страх, покрываешься холодным липким потом. Но это обратимые расстройства: если люди все-таки прибегают к медицинской помощи, то с этим можно справиться довольно быстро, подчеркивает психиатр. Кроме того, специалистам еще предстоит оценить, действительно ли коронавирусная инфекция ускоряет нейродегенеративные процессы, приводящие к ранним деменциям, продолжает Костюк. «По нашим наблюдениям, у пожилых людей старше 70 лет с ранней стадией деменции происходило резкое ухудшение — они спутывались [возникала спутанность сознания], испытывали галлюцинаторные переживания», — рассказал Костюк. Он добавил, что пациенты других возрастов без деменции тяжело выздоравливали — у них также были нарушены когнитивные функции.