Russian woman gave birth to a child during a flight

The Russian woman gave birth to a child on board the plane St. Petersburg – Namangan

The Russian woman on Friday, November 26, gave birth to a child on the plane en route from St. Petersburg to Namangan (Uzbekistan). “Komsomolskaya Pravda” writes about this.

An Aeroflot passenger began to have contractions during the flight. The flight attendants came to the rescue of the woman and successfully helped her to give birth right on board the liner.

The aircraft was forced to urgently land at the airport in Nizhny Novgorod. “At 1:31 am Moscow time, the plane en route St. Petersburg – Namangan made an emergency landing at the Chkalov airport in Nizhny Novgorod,” the Flight Radar portal reports.

The mother and child were taken to the hospital. Their condition is assessed as good.

Earlier in October, a Russian woman gave birth to a baby girl on board an ambulance flight en route from Mirny to Yakutsk. On Wednesday, October 13, one of the three pregnant women who were passengers on the urgent sanitary flight Mirny – Yakutsk began premature birth 40 minutes after takeoff – the child was received by the doctors on board.



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