Product named to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol

Doctor and TV presenter Myasnikov: palm oil increases the level of “bad” cholesterol

Foods containing palm oil increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood person, said the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov, reports the TV channel “Russia-1”.

Despite the harm, this ingredient is added to many products. For example, palm oil is used in bakery and confectionery products. Myasnikov recalled that it is not pure palm oil that is used, but specifically for baking in the food industry.

“This ends with the formation of so-called trans fats, which increase the level of“ bad ”cholesterol,” he stressed.

The doctor advised caution to eat products containing palm oil.

Earlier, endocrinologist Oksana Mikhaleva warned Russians about the risks of developing heart disease from palm oil. According to the doctor, natural palm oil contains a lot of antioxidants, but this oil is not used in mass production. Bleached palm oil is used in industrial baked goods, desserts, mayonnaise, dairy products and fast food.



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