An employee of the Listvyazhnaya mine described the first minutes after the explosion

The miner said that an explosion of methane-air mixture occurred at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass

the area was not due to the ignition of coal dust, but due to the explosion of a methane-air mixture. Workers frequently reported exceeding the permissible methane level. The first minutes after the emergency was described by an employee of the Kuzbass enterprise Oleg, writes “Gazeta.Ru”

“I arrived in the first shift, stopped in the conveyor building, sat for a little and thought – I’ll go outside. I began to put on my backpack, self-rescuer – at this time there was a cotton. Not a fire, as they say, “he shared.

According to the miner, a few minutes of delay could save his life. After the explosion, he helped pull colleagues out of the mine. “There are screams everywhere – it's very scary. They, too, are all black, only one eyes are visible, it was even impossible to identify who is who. Ordinary men work there, who take risks for the sake of their families in order to feed them, “Oleg said.

He added that the management often ignored employee complaints and did not monitor safety.

The incident occurred on Thursday, November 25th. There were 285 workers underground, 43 of them were injured. They were hospitalized, four of them in serious condition, 39 – mild and moderate. 11 people were reported to have died.



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