The lawyer appreciated the words of the deputy about the execution for the purchase of covid certificates

Lawyer Zeng: the deputy who called to shoot people for the purchase of covid certificates needs help

Deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma Vladimir Sidorov, who called on people who buy and sell coronavirus vaccination certificates need psychiatric help. So his words were assessed by lawyer Matvey Tsen, reports “Secret Firmy”.

“I believe that urgent psychiatric help is needed, and this statement should be taken as a cry for help, that a person is ill and he needs to call a doctor.” , – said the expert.

According to him, the Russian legislation provides for punishment for forging documents that grant any rights or release from obligations. However, the certificate is a medical certificate, that is, an informational document.

“But the institution of certificates is not regulated in any way. Their legal status is unclear, “Zeng said.

Earlier, Vladimir Sidorov, during a meeting of the Regional Duma, called for people who buy and sell certificates of vaccination against coronavirus to be shot. He later explained his words with emotion after the death of his wife infected with the coronavirus.

