Morgenstern's lawyer responded to Bastrykin's drug trafficking accusations

Morgenstern's lawyer Zhorin fears pressure from law enforcement officers after Bastrykin's statement , as the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), Alexander Bastrykin, accused him of drug trafficking. In a conversation with, the human rights activist added that Bastrykin's subordinates may perceive his words as a call to action.

The head of the ICR said that Morgenstern was selling drugs on social networks. Zhorin denies this accusation.

“What we think, how we will react, is of secondary importance here – it is more important how Bastrykin's subordinates will react to it. No matter how they take it as a call to action. Obviously, Morgenstern does not sell drugs – this is not his field of activity. But what Bastrykin said is puzzling. Maybe he was misinformed, “the human rights activist replied.

Earlier, Bastrykin said that the Unified State Exam should be canceled, as it is torture for young people. Also at the conference “The Role of Law in Ensuring Human Well-being”, the Chairman of the ICR called for the revival of the Soviet school of education.



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