Filler went down to blogger's chin after failed lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid went beyond the contours of Ruzanna Smbatyan's mouth and moved to the chin The Sun journalists drew attention to the video published on TikTok.

In the footage posted on the network, Ruzanna Smbatyan explained that after lip augmentation, fillers can move to other parts of the face. So, she demonstrated that hyaluronic acid went beyond the contours of her mouth and partially descended into her chin. The post went viral and got 1.1 million views and 63.8 thousand likes.

Netizens were scared by the blogger's video. “Okay, you convinced me not to have lip augmentation”, “God, I just signed up for lip augmentation. Now I am canceling the recording. Thanks for showing us this! I never knew about this before. “,” I really hope that soon the era of artificial lips will end and people will return to their natural appearance, because nine out of ten people look better without enlarged lips, “the viewers wrote.

In another video, Smbatyan explained that she did not try to dissuade people from the procedure. “I just wanted to show that fillers can move around. Do not be afraid to enlarge your lips, this is only a temporary effect. If hyaluronic acid begins to move, then it can be removed. Plus, it doesn't look that bad, “the makeup artist explained.

The blogger added that it was her own fault that her fillers began to move. According to her, she augmented her lips with several beauticians who used different injection techniques. The girl stressed that in order to remedy the situation, she plans to remove fillers using hyaluronidase and enlarge her lips again.

Earlier in November, a girl addicted to fillers showed her appearance after four years of injections. In the footage posted on the network, 22-year-old Neve showed her appearance before and after the injections. The girl attached pictures showing how her lips have changed over the course of four years, during which she regularly added one milliliter of the substance to them.

