Hostel caught fire in Moscow

In Moscow, a fire broke out on Volgogradsky Prospekt on the first floor of a hostel In Moscow, firefighters rescue people from a hostel on fire on Volgogradsky Prospekt. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia. “Upon arrival, firefighters immediately began to rescue people and extinguish the fire,” the message of the Ministry of Emergencies says. The building caught fire at the address: Volgogradsky Prospekt, house 32, building 8. According to preliminary data, the fire occurred on the first floor in the administrative building, information is being specified. The house contains a hostel, various cafes, shops and car services.

Russian doctor suspected of destroying vaccine and issuing fake QR codes

On Sakhalin, the chief doctor in Sinegorsk destroyed the COVID-19 vaccine and issued fake QR codes the head physician of the local hospital in the village of Sinegorsk on the territory of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on suspicion of destroying the coronavirus vaccine and issuing fake certificates. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The investigation suspected the doctor that he, with the help of his subordinates, destroyed the COVID-19 vaccine and issued fictitious vaccination certificates to some patients. According to preliminary data, about 50 people could have received fake QR codes. The data on the beginning of investigative actions were also confirmed by the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region. The department also initiated its own check on what happened. Earlier, State Duma deputy, first deputy chairman of the committee on information policy, information technology and communications

Russian doctor suspected of destroying vaccine and issuing fake QR codes

On Sakhalin, the chief doctor in Sinegorsk destroyed the COVID-19 vaccine and issued fake QR codes the head physician of the local hospital in the village of Sinegorsk on the territory of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on suspicion of destroying the coronavirus vaccine and issuing fake certificates. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The investigation suspected the doctor that he, with the help of his subordinates, destroyed the COVID-19 vaccine and issued fictitious vaccination certificates to some patients. According to preliminary data, about 50 people could have received fake QR codes. The data on the beginning of investigative actions were also confirmed by the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region. The department also initiated its own check on what happened. Earlier, State Duma deputy, first deputy chairman of the committee on information policy, information technology and communications

The doctor linked the loss of smell in coronavirus and the loss of libido

Otolaryngologist Ryazantsev: complete loss of smell in COVID-19 rarely leads to loss of libido told how the loss of smell during coronavirus affects the body. This symptom affects all health, the doctor said on Radio Russia, RBC reports. Ryazantsev noted that the distortion or loss of smell in COVID-19 causes problems with appetite and digestion. The doctor also associated this symptom with a loss of libido. According to him, the sense of smell is closely related to the sexual system, but this issue is largely speculative. The complete absence of odors does not lead to sexual dysfunction, the specialist assured. “Most animals cannot live without pheromones. But a person is not a dog; in a person in the sexual sphere, the secondary system has a very large influence. A 100% loss of smell rarely leads to sexual dysfunction, “Ryazantsev emphasized. The specialist added that the problem of loss of smell

The doctor linked the loss of smell in coronavirus and the loss of libido

Otolaryngologist Ryazantsev: complete loss of smell in COVID-19 rarely leads to loss of libido told how the loss of smell during coronavirus affects the body. This symptom affects all health, the doctor said on Radio Russia, RBC reports. Ryazantsev noted that the distortion or loss of smell in COVID-19 causes problems with appetite and digestion. The doctor also associated this symptom with a loss of libido. According to him, the sense of smell is closely related to the sexual system, but this issue is largely speculative. The complete absence of odors does not lead to sexual dysfunction, the specialist assured. “Most animals cannot live without pheromones. But a person is not a dog; in a person in the sexual sphere, the secondary system has a very large influence. A 100% loss of smell rarely leads to sexual dysfunction, “Ryazantsev emphasized. The specialist added that the problem of loss of smell

The United States named five new ways to destroy an aircraft carrier

19FortyFive: in the future, an aircraft carrier can be destroyed in five ways There are five new ways to destroy an aircraft carrier, writes 19FortyFive. p> The publication from the United States notes that an aircraft carrier can be tried to sink by traditional means, for example, using torpedoes and ballistic missiles. However, in the future, according to the publication, these ships will face new threats. 19FortyFive calls them. The first threat is underwater drones, capable of autonomously waiting for an almost unlimited time for suitable conditions to attack a ship. The second is cyberattacks, which can disable the main systems of an aircraft carrier and make it vulnerable to enemy attacks. The third is disposable flying drones. The fourth is hypersonic missiles, which combine the threat of ballistic and cruise missiles. Fifth – the possibility of striking from space. 19FortyFive assures that the aircraft carrier is currently an instrument

День в истории: 22 ноября

Братья Райт создали первую компанию для производства аэропланов Американцы Орвилл и Уилбер Райт прославились в истории как конструкторы первого в мире самолета с двигателем, способного к управляемому полету. Им принадлежит и множество патентов на различные новаторские изобретения, которые сделали возможным дальнейшее развитие самолетостроения в мире. 22 ноября 1909 года братья Райт основали первую в мире компанию по производству аэропланов Wright Company с авиазаводом в Дейтоне, а также аэродромом для испытаний и школой обучения пилотов в Прерии Хаффмана. Образована Национальная хоккейная лига 22 ноября 1917 года в Канаде была образована Национальная хоккейная лига (НХЛ) — профессиональная спортивная организация, объединяющая хоккейные клубы США и Канады. НХЛ стала одной из первых профессиональных хоккейных лиг в мире. На момент ее создания лига объединяла пять канадских клубов — «Монреаль Канадиенс», «Монреаль Марунз», «Торонто Аренас», «Оттава Сенаторз» и «Квебек Булдогз». Убийство Джона Кеннеди 22 ноября 1963 года в Далласе было совершено покушение на президента США Джона Кеннеди. Во время следования президентского кортежа по улицам города произошло несколько выстрелов. Первая пуля попала президенту в шею, вторая — в голову. Кеннеди был доставлен в больницу, где спустя полчаса была констатирована его смерть. Согласно официальному расследованию, которое

The United States named five new ways to destroy an aircraft carrier

19FortyFive: in the future, an aircraft carrier can be destroyed in five ways There are five new ways to destroy an aircraft carrier, writes 19FortyFive. < p> The publication from the United States notes that an aircraft carrier can be tried to sink by traditional means, for example, using torpedoes and ballistic missiles. However, in the future, according to the publication, these ships will face new threats. 19FortyFive calls them. The first threat is underwater drones, capable of autonomously waiting for an almost unlimited time for suitable conditions to attack a ship. The second is cyberattacks, which can disable the main systems of an aircraft carrier and make it vulnerable to enemy attacks. The third is disposable flying drones. The fourth is hypersonic missiles, which combine the threat of ballistic and cruise missiles. Fifth – the possibility of striking from space. 19FortyFive assures that the aircraft carrier is currently an

The summit of Putin and Biden was considered necessary to prevent the Third World War

Political scientist Lozansky: the United States, Russia and China need to hold the “Yalta Conference 2.0” Biden is needed to prevent a direct military clash between the two countries, which could result in World War III. This was stated in an interview with by the President of the American University in Moscow Eduard Lozansky. However, according to him, such a war is already being waged on the political, economic and information fronts. Related materials 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How will the meeting between Putin and Biden change relations between Russia and the United States? October “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? At the same time, the specialist considered it much more necessary to hold a trilateral meeting of the leaders of the United States, Russia and China, a kind of “Yalta Conference 2.0”. “The current

Taliban order Afghan women TV presenters to wear hijab

The Taliban have introduced new rules for the Afghan media, including a hijab for women TV presenters The Taliban that seized power in Afghanistan ( a terrorist organization banned in Russia) introduced new rules for the work of the media in the country, including obliging female TV presenters to wear hijab. This is reported by TASS with reference to local news agencies. Thus, the decisions were made at a special meeting, which was organized by the Ministry of Islamic appeal, orientation, good command and prohibition of the reprehensible created by the Taliban. It is noted that this is an Islamic “police of morality.” > Also in the rulebook, the media were reminded of the need to refrain from showing dramatic films and programs with female actresses and from showing Afghan and foreign films that promote “inappropriate ethical standards”. Also, you should not broadcast a movie with scenes of a nude