Epidemiologist explained the need for a transitional period for the introduction of QR codes

Epidemiologist Mikhail Lebedev: a transitional period is needed for the introduction of QR codes The introduction of QR codes in Russia will help reduce the number of cases. This opinion was expressed by Mikhail Lebedev, an expert doctor at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, reports Ren.tv. according to the expert, this system is already widely and, most importantly, effectively used in Europe. “First, you need to rely on the vast international experience that has already been gained, in particular, take Italy, France, Germany, where the QR code system works great. And the task here is, in fact, very simple. Unfortunately, time does not work for us, and the longer we delay in resolving these fateful moments, in particular, the achievement of herd immunity, the more we will lose. That is, it is necessary to achieve the level of collective immunity …

RFU Honorary President made a prediction for the match between Russia and Croatia

RFU Honorary President Koloskov: Russia will achieve at least a draw in the match with Croatia the 2022 World Cup qualifying match with Croatia. Such a forecast in an interview with RIA Novosti was made by the honorary president of the Russian Football Union (RFU) Vyacheslav Koloskov. According to the functionary, there are all the prerequisites for such a result. He noted that he liked the second half of the match with Cyprus in the performance of the Russian team. Koloskov stressed that Croatia is now weaker than in 2018, when the Russians lost to her in a penalty shootout in the quarter finals of the World Cup … “Yes, this is not a weak team, but now this team is absolutely tough for us,” he added. The away match with Croatia will take place on Sunday, November 14th. To enter the 2018 World Cup, the Russian national team needs

The fate of a Russian woman who abandoned her children in a car with a truck driver has become known

A resident of Ivanovo, who abandoned two children in a car with a trucker, died in an accident children in a car with a trucker. This was reported on the website of the Ivanovo prosecutor's office. On November 8, the day when the Russian woman left her children, she was hit by a car in Vladimir. The woman died from her injuries. The children were placed in a foster family, their relatives are wanted. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the woman had a mental disorder, she was being treated in a hospital. On the weekend she was allowed to go home, she took the children and left with them. Earlier it was reported that in Ivanovo a truck driver agreed to give a lift to a woman with two small children to the Moscow region, but the Russian woman did not get to her destination and ran away. leaving the kids

Poland prepared to block railway communication with Belarus

Polish Foreign Minister: the country is ready to block the railway traffic with Belarus The Polish authorities announced their readiness to block the railway traffic with Belarus, thereby depriving it of transit communication. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the message of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic, Mariusz Kaminsky. The head of the department noted that the Belarusian authorities understand the possibility of Poland closing other border crossings and railway traffic.

5 рекордов на железных дорогах России, о которых стоит знать

Самая длинная железная дорога в мире Транссибирская железнодорожная магистраль длиной 9298,2 км — это самая длинная железная дорога в мире. Транссиб проходит через Евразию, соединяя Москву и Санкт-Петербург с крупнейшими восточносибирскими и дальневосточными промышленными городами России. Великий Сибирский Путь был построен в 1891—1916 годы. Главный пассажир Едва ли не чаще всего услугами РЖД пользовался житель города Краснознаменск Владимир Комаров. С 2000 по 2015 год он совершил 742 поездки, проведя тем самым в поездах РЖД 12318,8 часов, то есть примерно 513 дней. Таким образом он проехал 697207 километров. Только в 2012 году Комаров провел в поездах не менее 1,5 месяца. Его рекорды в России до сих пор не побиты. Гений ремонта Улан-Удэнский локомотивовагоноремонтный завод — настоящий гений ремонта локомотивов. Одно из крупнейших предприятий в Восточной Сибири попало в Книгу рекордов России, отремонтировав за время своей работы 30 тысяч «тягачей». Самый длинный высокоскоростной поезд В 2014 году полукилометровый «Сапсан» попал в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый протяженный высокоскоростной поезд в мире. Длина сдвоенного состава из 20 вагонов, курсирующего между Санкт-Петербургом и Москвой, составила 500 м 78 см. В таком поезде могут поместиться 1050 пассажиров. Самый быстрый тепловоз В октябре

Победителями конкурса «Большая перемена» стали 600 школьников

«По итогам финала в “Артеке” победителями “Большой перемены” стали 600 школьников, из которых 300 человек — ученики 11-х классов и 300 — ученики 9-х — 10-х классов. Победители среди учеников 11-х классов получат по 1 млн рублей на образование, а ученики 9−10-х классов — по 200 тыс. рублей, которые они смогут направить на образование и саморазвитие», — говорится в сообщении. Награждение прошло в пятницу. Победителей выявили по результатам решения кейсовых заданий и защиты проектов. Ребятам предлагались задания по четырем направлениям: искусство и творчество, образовательные технологии, среда обитания, общество. Финалистов и победителей поздравил первый заместитель руководителя администрации президента РФ Сергей Кириенко. «Жизнь только начинается. Эта победа должна вас вдохновить, она должна вам дать ощущение уверенности в своих силах, — сказал Кириенко. — Было 2,5 млн участников конкурса “Большая перемена”. Здесь, в “Артеке”, всего тысяча с небольшим человек. Вы стали лучшими из 2,5 млн, вы дошли до финала, вы многому научились, получили новых друзей, получили новый опыт, почувствовали и поверили в себя».

Nutritionist named weight loss product

Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov: eating bran helps to reduce weight fiber, such as bran, helps to reduce weight. The nutritionist told about this on the YouTube channel of his clinic. The physician drew attention to the fact that the consumption of sufficient fiber in the diet provides a person with a feeling of satiety, which contributes to the process of losing weight. How said Kovalkov, dietary fiber partially blocks the absorption of fats and normalizes digestive processes, and is also involved in removing toxins and toxins from the body. According to the nutritionist, it is better to consume fiber with carbohydrates, as it inhibits the absorption of sugar. According to him, if, for example, you eat chocolate with a handful of bran, the absorption of carbohydrates from the dessert will decrease by about 20 percent. Earlier in November, American nutritionists named drinks that should be discarded for those wishing to lose

Russia accused of cutting submarine cables off the coast of Norway

The Drive: Russia could cut the submarine cables of the marine observatory in Norway off the coast of Northern Norway, capable of tracking the movements of submarines. This accusation is given in the publication of The Drive. The publication claims that the incident “raised suspicions of deliberate sabotage, possibly carried out by the Russian government, which definitely has the means to do so.” According to newsinenglish.no, more than 4.3 kilometers of the 66-kilometer network of specially designed marine fiber and electrical cables connecting subsea sensor nodes to onshore monitoring stations have been cut and disappeared. The cables were located on the Norwegian continental shelf and made it possible to monitor the underwater situation in the Norwegian Sea. Damage to the system paralyzed its work. Data from the system, formally declared by the scientific, first went to the Norwegian Institute for Defense Research, where, after verification, it was sent to the