Venezuelan military pull on the opposition side

Venezuelan military pull on the opposition side

Juan Guido secretly negotiated with representatives of the army.


The self-proclaimed President of Venezuela Juan Guido secretly met with representatives of the country’s army and security officials and persuaded them to move to his side. As told by an opposition politician in a column for the New York Times (NYT) that his interlocutors acknowledged the situation in the country extremely difficult. Meanwhile, the army remains loyal to President Nicolas Maduro, Mr. Guido is looking for other levers of pressure on the authorities. Today he plans to ask the EU to “protect the assets” of Venezuela by the US example, which, after such requests have transferred some of these assets to the opposition.

The last Bastion of the authorities

On Wednesday thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of the country to support the self-proclaimed President Huang Guide and to encourage the army to switch sides.

“We had secret meetings with the military and security forces. We have promised Amnesty to all those who are not guilty of crimes against humanity,” the same evening told the self-appointed leader in the column for the NYT.

The politician explained that “the cessation of support for Nicolas Maduro (President of Venezuela.— “B”) the military is crucial to the change of government”, then admitted that most of his interlocutors “was agree that flour, which have recently experienced by the country, become intolerable.”

NewsAccidental President

Recall, January 23 Joan Guido proclaimed himself acting President. He was supported by the USA and several other countries. Acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that will not leave his post before the expiry of the deadline laid him in 2025.

In an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais, published on January 31, Juan Guido also called “the support from the few of the military leadership” the main reason, but Nicolas Maduro and his supporters are still in power.

USA who supported Juan, Guido, recognizing him as a President, also appeal to the military. “Because today Venezuelans demand democracy, we call on the army and security forces to protect all Venezuelans as well as U.S. citizens and other foreigners”, — wrote in his Twitter U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo.

In Russia the column of Juan, Guido and protests called “another testimony of the reluctance of the opposition to engage in dialogue, despite the willingness of the official authorities”.

“Instead, again, from the rostrum by the American media the New York Times calls the current Venezuelan opposition leader to overthrow the legitimate government. He openly incites the armed forces of Venezuela to a military coup,” protested today at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Juan himself, Guido explained his unwillingness to negotiate with the government in the same column for the NYT. Calls Nicolas Maduro for dialogue, he called cunning, which is used “when oppressive tactics are not working.”

In an interview with El Pais he said that the risk of starting a civil war there, since it “supports 90% of the population of the country.” Maria Zakharova, in turn, warned that “the threat of large-scale armed conflict” and the US invasion of the country not passed.The owner of the Venezuelan assets

While the military remain loyal to the President, Juan Guido is looking for other levers of pressure on Nicolas Maduro and his entourage. In an interview with El Pais, he confirmed that he had asked the US to “protect the assets” of Venezuela, and was followed by their partial transfer of the opposition’s policy, and promised to soon make the same request to the EU.

