Where are the most ancient lake in the world

Where are the most ancient lake in the world

The majority of lakes, especially glacial origin, live long — about 10-15 thousand years, and then zavolakivaya. But there are really prehistoric water reservoirs — they are left from ancient seas or appeared due to the tectonic breaks and shifts.


The largest lake in Antarctica hidden underneath the ice sheet with thickness of about 4000 m. Its depth is more than 1200 meters. The reservoir was named after the Soviet research station Vostok, which operates in this area since 1957. It was the Russian explorers and confirmed the existence of this lake in 1996, although first suspected subglacial lakes of Antarctica, scientists have sounded in the 19th century.

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Publication from Annelien Blauvelt ???? (@letssurroundtheworld) 5 April 2018 at 8:30 PDT

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It is believed that the lake was clogged with ice not less than 500 thousand years ago, and appeared much earlier. The temperature reaches 10 degrees Celsius and the oxygen content is 50 times higher than in normal fresh water.

The Caspian sea

The Caspian sea is considered a salt lake, because it has no connection with other seas or oceans. From the world’s largest closed body of water of oceanic origin. Its slow formation began about 13 million years ago, when the Alps formed separated Sarmatian sea from the Mediterranean. The man lived on the shores of the Caspian sea 75 thousand years ago.

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Publication from Tatyana (@tatyana0509_) 23 Dec 2018 at 8:46 PST

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The lake is located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. It is the largest reserve of fresh water on the continent. In the language of Quechua Indians Kaka means “rock”, and titi — “Puma”.

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Publication of Alina Ka (@alinka0887) 24 Dec 2018 4:12 PST

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A hundred million years ago Titicaca was nearly 4 miles lower than now, and was a sea Bay. The lake is still inhabited mainly by marine fish, and on the slopes of the traces of the surf.


The deepest lake on Earth has tectonic origin. It exists in the crust fracture not less than 35 million years. Scientists believe that the rift between Europe and Asia will ever be divided into two separate of the mainland.

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Publication from Andrey Belavin (@ted.ns) 25 Dec 2018 at 9:26 PST

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One of the Great African lakes situated on the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The basin of the lake of tectonic origin located in the rift valley, which gradually expands and causes volcanic activity. Because of this, the depth of the lake is increasing and has reached a point 480 metres. This 16 e lake in the world in depth.

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Publication from Akagera Aviation (@akageraaviation) November 26, 2018 5:25 PST

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See also:

  • Where is the most transparent river in the world (photos)
  • Astronomers have photographed the “snow lake” on Mars
  • Looks like a picturesque lake with the frozen bubbles inside

