The head of the UK raised the issue of the lack of inspections of gas service at home in Magnitogorsk in may

The head of the UK raised the issue of the lack of inspections of gas service at home in Magnitogorsk in may

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin has noticed the lack of inspections of gas equipment in the house in Magnitogorsk, where the explosion occurred, from may 2018.

A gas explosion in Магнитогорске00:14 (GMT)In Magnitogorsk did not find traces of explosives in the exploded rubble ofa gas Explosion in Magnitogorsk. Operational информация8 (351) 239-99-99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk областиПодробнее8 (495) 400-99-99Единый “telephone hotline” of EMERCOM of the Russian federation8 (495) 983-79-01Справочная of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian federation8 (351) 268-98-54Горячая line of the Ministry of health of the Chelyabinsk области8(351) 940-26-23Штаб of emergency in Magnitogorsk

  • EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region
  • The official website of EMERCOM of Russia


“Are you sure that this company did good in this case and in other cases, and that in the neighboring houses all right?” he said at the meeting in Magnitogorsk. A video of a small part of the speech Bastrykin released Tuesday on the Investigative Committee channel on YouTube.

“The fact — with the month of may they did not come into this house and not investigated [gas appliances]. Okay, during summer vacations people were. And September, October, November?” he added.

Bastrykin also drew attention to the not-so-good condition of the gas equipment in the whole country.

Earlier in the company “Gazprom gas distribution Chelyabinsk” TASS reported that all networks in the house met the standards, routine maintenance of gas equipment in the building was held in March 2018. In addition, in may was held crimping, which showed compliance with the networking requirements.

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