Rescuers called the number of apartments destroyed after the gas explosion in a house in Magnitogorsk
The representative of the regional emergency management Eugene Zimichev said that as a result of a gas explosion in a residential apartment building in Magnitogorsk was completely destroyed 25 apartments.
A gas explosion in Магнитогорске10:10 (GMT)MOE: the rubble of a house in Magnitogorsk cannot proceed under the threat of collapse ofa gas Explosion in Magnitogorsk. Operational информация8 (351) 239-99-99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk оластиПодробнее8 (495) 400-99-99Единый “telephone hotline” of EMERCOM of the Russian federation8 (495) 983-79-01Справочная of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian federation8 (351) 268-98-54Горячая line of the Ministry of health of the Chelyabinsk области8 (800) 775-17-17″hotline” of EMERCOM of the Russian federation8(351) 940-26-23Штаб of emergency in Magnitogorsk
- EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region
- The official website of EMERCOM of Russia
The representative of the regional emergency management Eugene Zimichev said that as a result of a gas explosion in a residential apartment building in Magnitogorsk was completely destroyed 25 apartments. The representative of TASS.
He added that the damage also got 10 apartments.
“In the epicenter hit 35 apartments, 25 of them were completely destroyed and 10 partially,” said Senichev.
Earlier it was reported that rescuers are searching for about 40 people, after the collapse of a house in Magnitogorsk.
“Газета.Ru” watching the developments in online.
In Magnitogorsk on Monday morning, December 31, from-for gas explosion collapsed one of the entrances panel 10-storey residential building. Several people were killed, 16 were evacuated. The fate of several dozen people remains unknown.