SK has begun check of the data about beating of the Deputy of women and teenagers in the Altai

SK has begun check of the data about beating of the Deputy of women and teenagers in the Altai

BARNAUL, December 26 — RIA Novosti. Investigators in the Altai Republic have begun checking the data about the beatings inflicted by the district Deputy two women and a teenager in a cafe, reports the Agency.

According to the UK, previously it is known that on December 22 night in café “Chemal compound” Deputy Chairman of the regional Council of deputies Yury Korneev in a drunken state refused to pay the bill.

“In response to comments from the waitress he hit the control the cafe and the 59-year-old singer. Later, the Deputy beaten and 14-year-old boy, who stood up for his grandmother. During the procedure of check should find out all circumstances of the incident, to give legal assessment of the actions of the guilty person”, — is spoken in the message of the investigation.

According to the site Chemal district, a non-partisan actors is now MP, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of deputies of the Chemal district.

Korneev had previously been Deputy Novoaltayskiy city Council, but in March 2012 he was deprived of the mandate. The decision of the deputies of the city Council was motivated by the presence of Korneev convictions on charges of illegal receipt of parliamentary compensation of 16 thousand rubles. This decision was made novoaltayskiy the world court in October 2011, after the court’s decision was appealed.

