The Beatles for Millennials: netizens launched a fun flash mob

The Beatles for Millennials: netizens launched a fun flash mob

Well-known songs with new meaning.


November 22 marks 50 years since the publication of the tenth Studio album by the British band the Beatles White Album. “The white album”, which included 45 songs, was given to team members is not easy: John Lennon even said in an interview that this was the beginning of the end of the team.

It’s the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ White Album so let’s play:#BeatlesSongsForMillennials

Hosted by @robyndwoskin @Czexabella

Part of @HashtagRoundup

— Musical Hashtags (@MusicalHashtags) November 27, 2018

The 50th anniversary of the Beatles ‘ White Album, so let’s play

Nevertheless, the White Album has become one of the most popular albums of the band, and in honor of his anniversary, a Twitter user under the name Musical Hashtags decided to run a festive flash mob under the hashtag #BeatlesSongsForMillennials (the Beatles Song for the Millennials).

The essence of the challenge is simple — you need to take any line from the song “White album” and add the word or phrase that is typical of gen Y.

This flashmob liked very much.

#BeatlesSongsForMillennials You Never Give Me Your Bitcoin

— Dan S #HealthcareVoter (@Dsquared75) 29 Nov 2018

You never gave me your bitcoins

You’re Going to Lose That Gel #beatlessongsformillennials

— Jess Perry (@ponderwoman) 29 Nov 2018

You’re going to lose the gel

Hey Jude, send nudes #BeatlesSongsForMillennials

— StorminNorman (@StorminOnNorman) November 27, 2018

Hey Jude, come photos of Nude

While My iPhone Gently Tweets

— Winston (@WinstonTibs) November 27, 2018

While my iPhone gently rings

She loves YouTube yeah yeah #BeatlesSongsForMillennials

— davidw19 (@dpjw80) November 27, 2018

She loves YouTube, ye, ye

Cant Buy Me Love, but you can support me on Patreon susbscribe to my YouTube, like me on Facebook and Twitter and oh, by the way check out my Soundcloud. #BeatlesSongsForMillennials

— Andrew Donaldson (@four4thefire) November 27, 2018

You can’t buy me love, but can support me on Patreon subscribe to my YouTube, like me in Facebook and Twitter, and by the way, check out my Soundcloud.

Will You Still Re-Tweet Me When I’m Sixty-Four? #BeatlesSongsForMillennials

— Kinneas (@Kinneas) November 27, 2018

Will you still retweet me when I’m sixty-four?

