Print loses ground

Print loses ground

Daily Newspapers will soon be no place to buy, newsagents closed across the country.

UpNot closing, modernization

Non-stationary retail outlets, including newsagents, throughout the country have been “the wave of demolition” in the most passable and familiar to buyers. So the regional authorities improve the appearance of cities.

An important role in reducing the number of stalls has played a submission for the contests and auctions places to accommodate commercial facilities and increasing the fees for right of occupancy (or land lease).

Unfortunately, the attitude of regional authorities to the development of newspaper kiosks often can be called cool. According to Sophia the Dubinsky, Chairman of the Expert Council on regional printed media under Ministry digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation, the newspaper sent letters to the heads 60 of the regions on the situation with retail. The answer came only from the two heads of the regions, she said.

One of the respondents — Lipetsk. There the kiosk network “R. O. S. SEAL,” for example, you can always buy the newspaper.

Good situation in Kirov. As told “RG” the Director of “Vyatka-Rospechat” Natalia Stolbova (they own almost all newsagents), the number of shops is declining slightly in nerudnykh places and purely for economic reasons. When the newly created scheme of non-stationary retail outlets, newsagents entered her rights of priority. The administration of Kirov gives a small benefit on rental space, depending on the area. But the Finance is not provided. The area under the stalls is small, and the rent is not a major component. The main reason is in a serious decline in the demand for periodicals in recent years. Although the range of daily and other Newspapers was almost unchanged, the number kiosks — piece. As a rule, Newspapers buy a few more-or-less regular readers.

In Arkhangelsk has 150 newsstands. They are not reduce, on the contrary — upgrade. And in this process the role played by the Arkhangelsk branch of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. During a meeting with the mayor Igor Gazelem in 2017, we complained that the stalls in the Arkhangelsk old — almost since the Soviet era. And like that people can come in, sheltered from the weather, open a newspaper, drink coffee.

A law cannot force them to develop ciscoview network. Local authorities are aware of the need for this or not.

After this meeting, the mayor insisted that “Rospechat” started to install a modern, warm newspaper pavilions at bus stops — two in the city centre already set, planned to purchase and install some more. Comfortable layout of Newspapers and magazines, there is a vending machine for coffee, wi-fi zone. By the way, Arkhangelsk and other cities of the region there is a benefit for the newsstands on the rent of land — it is fixed by regional law.

In the Kaliningrad region of the kiosks too short, the region takes the first place in the rating of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the provision of kiosks press-2017.

One stall will be accounted for 3.7 thousand people.

In Kaliningrad for a small business that sells printed products, set a reduction coefficient when calculating the single tax on imputed income. It is 0.6. However, colleagues-printers complain of the closure of retail chains, which were sold to the press, and the reduction range of printed products in street retail and in supermarkets.

The newsstands now mainly sell popular publications about health, country, food, kitchen, puzzles, and related products of consistent local authorities of the range. Economy stalls leaves much to be desired, so they have to sell everyday products that you can make a good margin. Due to the small space of the shopping facility and display space (a kiosk can accommodate about 500-600 titles of publications) Newspapers and magazines laid on top of each other, often the logos of the publications are not completely visible, which also reduces sales.

According to the Executive Director of the Union of enterprises of the printing industry (GIPP) Elena Shitikova, it is crucial to hold a transparent public debate on the issues of the presence of the press at retail (kiosks, pavilions, supermarkets, offices). Vice-President of SPPI is to take place (GIPP) Alexander Oskin calls to work out the political aspects of the implementation of the press in various outlets, taking into account the state of the task and the positive experience of foreign countries.

SCO will remain without the press

Despite the positive examples and problems in this area enough. For example, in Chuvash Republic there were 25 stalls of the newspaper “Sovetskaya Chuvashia”, but the regional authorities put them exorbitant sums for the rent of land, and the network had to be minimized, gave the example Dubinsky.

But to make any amendments to the Federal law in the Ministry of communications is senseless.

A law cannot force them to develop ciscoview network. Local authorities are aware of the need for this or not.Alexey Valenzula IncombatibleDeconstruction from the margins: masterpieces of urban squatter

“It would be reasonable to expect from the municipal authorities in addition to targeted support for businesses wishing to distribute the press in the busiest places of the city, as well as comprehensive measures to use the kiosks not only for trade but also as socially useful objects, for Example — to install wi-fi points of access, digital signage, mobile payment terminal”, — said the Chairman of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin.

In the Chelyabinsk region sounded the alarm after a leading distributor of periodicals, the company “Rospechat”, began to sell its kiosks. The company confirmed that the contracts for work 160 out of 180 stalls Chelyabinsk “Rospechat” the government has terminated. Issued order on the dismantling 28. However, as explained by General Director Konstantin Fedorinin while under the sale was only unprofitable facilities, usually located far from the traffic of the suburbs. However, in the optimization of the network has already lost almost a hundred pavilions, reducing their number to 452.

Comfortable booths the authorities suggest entrepreneurs to establish at their own expense. That alone is worth the kiosk 800 thousand rubles. A small business has no such money, and the townspeople — no stalls.

“Unpopular measures we went for the first time in the last ten years, — said Fedorinin. — The matter is that a whole range of reasons: rising prices for printed products and collector’s edition, which we some time at a loss trying to restrain by reducing trade margins, falling solvency of the population, which was negatively respond even to a half-dvuhrublevuyu rise in price of Newspapers, the VAT rise, and now a rent for the earth under the stalls, which after the expiration of previous contracts we need to buy already on a competitive basis. To compete in such a situation, with other objects of trade, we simply can not”.

As have informed “RG” the Deputy head of administration for Economics and Finance Elena Murzina, the guest routes of the city free from the domination of trade and lead to a single appearance in a planned manner. However, distributors of periodicals until asked to move just a few booths, and renew contracts with them on special auctions for the placement of kiosks of printed products. “After renegotiating contracts on a competitive basis rent increased three times”, — said the head of the second largest network of newspaper distribution, the company “Vecherniy Chelyabinsk” Natalia Soup.

While most kiosks are in limbo and work on the bird’s rights. And, as feared, the representatives of the networks, before the summits of SCO and BRICS “cleansing” Chelyabinsk can be accelerated. “We are interested in the fact that urban space has evolved to meet modern trends, which suggest that the facilities for the sale of the press must be qualitatively changed, and to realize it should be the owner of objects”, — said the Deputy head of the office of the Governor and government of Chelyabinsk region Dmitry Fedechkin.

Difficult situation exists with the retail network of “Evening Chelyabinsk”. If in 2011 it had more than 120 stalls, today only 64, and the threat of demolition “hanging” over 40 stalls. In recent years, as throughout the country, fell significantly sales of printed products. On the background of the trading objects that implement fruits and vegetables, went for the revenue far ahead.

