Scientists have found that the barbeque are harmful to the body no less than of cigarettes

Scientists have found that the barbeque are harmful to the body no less than of cigarettes

Cooking on an open fire or on coals no less harmful than cigarette Smoking, because it increases the risk of pneumonia, asthma and other lung diseases by 40-60%. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Oxford.


Published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine article, doctors said that the smoke of open fires and wood and coal furnaces contains high levels of carbon monoxide and carcinogens that are harmful to health.

After analyzing data on health 277 thousand Chinese residents aged 30 to 79 years, suffering from diseases of the lungs and non-smokers, researchers found that half of the participants, periodically or continuously use coal and firewood for cooking or heating, has advanced lung disease.

For several years, about 20 thousand participants of the study died of cancer and severe lung diseases.

Experts explained that even a short contact with fire increases the concentration of carcinogens in the blood 2.5−5 times, this increases the likelihood of developing cancer.

Most of all “kebabs” affects the chance to acquire tuberculosis, asthma and other chronic lung diseases.

In July, scientists have found that Smoking wapow increases the risk of cancer as much as Smoking regular cigarettes.

