The coast of the Greek island Aitoliko enveloped the web

The coast of the Greek island Aitoliko enveloped the web

On the Greek island of Aitoliko spiders braided web stretch of coastline length of over 300 m. the Web was covered everything from trees to bushes, according to Greek newspaper


Experts explain this phenomenon favorable conditions for mating of spiders. Abnormally warm weather contributed to the emergence of the island of great numbers of insects on which they feed, which led to a “demographic explosion” of spiders. Spiders, according to experts, most likely belong to the genus Alien to the ones, with long legs and elongated torso. They live in many regions including USA and Europe, and tend to settle near water. Some species can even move through the water.

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The phenomenon does not pose a risk to the environment, people these spiders, too, does no harm, say experts. In their opinion, such an active reproduction of spiders even benefit — the island is too many mosquitoes, and spiders will help to reduce their numbers.

