How to look like the most terrible sea creatures (photo)

How to look like the most terrible sea creatures (photo)

Compare them with toads, vipers and devils.



The fish-drop, or Psychrolutes marcidus is a very recognizable denizen of the deep. She lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. Contrary to what a funny creature lives at the bottom, the fishermen often pull her to the surface networks. Because of this, the species was endangered.

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Publication from Petersoo Pille @ Nami-Nami (@pillenaminami) Sep 19, 2014 at 3:14 PDT

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Fish-drop is quite small — a maximum of 30 cm in length. On the front of the head is a process similar to the nose. Psychrolutes marcidus have no swim bladder. At great depths where the fish lives, it’s still not working.

Is the blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) an alien? What do you think?

— Antonio Paris (@AntonioParis) 18 may 2018

Because of the unusual appearance of the fish-drop is often found in pop culture. For example, it can be seen in the TV series “the x-files” or the movie “Men in black 3”. Fish-drop often the leader in various ratings of strange sea creatures.


Fish-toad, or Opsanus tau is found in the Western part of the Atlantic ocean. She lives on the muddy or sandy bottom, against which is almost imperceptible. Sometimes fish-toad and does buries itself in the sand to the eyes.

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Publication from mike trainor (@jinjaturtle7) Aug 12, 2016 at 6:24 PDT

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Fish length-toad does not exceed 45 cm and a weight of 2.2 kg. this inhabitant of the bottom has poisonous spines, and she is able to produce sounds similar to a grunt or rattle. So fish-frog defending its territory.

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Publication of THE RIVER PROJECT (@riverprojectnyc) Aug 22, 2017 at 6:56 PDT

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A viperfish

A viperfish belongs to the genus holidy, all members of which can boast of “extraordinary” appearance. They are predators, which easily swallows the smaller fish and even crustaceans sizes up to 63% of its own length.

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Publication from Cameron (@euphoric_misanthropia) 14 Feb 2018 12:01 PST

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A viperfish lives in the Mariana trench and is very rare. She doesn’t like bright light and hides at a depth of about 3 km of its habitat hard to access, so scientists have yet to learn all the secrets of prey “beauty”, for example, how she manages with ease to change color from grey to green or black.

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The publication of Het Kabinet Rariteiten (@the.cabinet.of.curiosities paid) 27 Aug 2018 6:58 PDT

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European monkfish

Monkfish or monkfish European is also a very famous fish. She lives in the Eastern part of the Atlantic ocean. Monkfish eat. She is white and dense meat without bones.

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Publication of Frank Norbeck (@fnorbeck) 6 August 2018 at 9:45am PDT

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Monkfish can reach 2 meters in length, but most often it is a fish the size of 1-1. 5 meters. The biggest sea devil caught weighed about 58 kg.

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Publication of Tinu Nobs (@mister_tinu) 3 Jul 2018 2:35 PDT

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Monkfish is a genius of disguise. It is almost invisible among the seaweed with spines and fringe — hanging shreds of skin.

The coelacanth

