Canadians who were looking for work, users of the social network threw money

Canadians who were looking for work, users of the social network threw money

Nobody expected such generosity.

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A former employee of the radio station CBC in the canadian city of Edmonton Tim Adams in early September, posted in his Twitter post, which was asked to help a local guy named Tom. The report said that the young man is in dire need of money to visit my family in Montreal. Money he didn’t, but said that for $ 20 he is willing to mow the lawn for everyone.

And there were many: a post about aid was immediately spread on the Network. In the comments people started to offer him a job, the pay was ready and more than the announced amount. And then it turned out that e-mail young man was tied to Bank card and people just started to send him money.

Adams later deleted the original post at the request of Tom. He said that the young man was not ready to such attention and this unexpected financial assistance.

“Tom needs some help” by /u/averageperson6:

— r/ Wholesome Memes (@rWholesomeMemes) 10 Sep 2018

This Is Tom. That tight budget. He’s trying to earn some money to visit family in Montreal. He’ll mow you lawn for $ 20. He did a great job. He asked me to help advertise it. Give him a chance. Write to him via email.

I can pay him forty. Plus gas to get my house in the Delton neighbourhood.

— Dainéal Ióeil (@blocdanielquois) 8 Sep 2018

I can pay him 40. And plus the gas to get to my house in the district of Delton.

Does he have his own mower? I have a property management company and always looking for help cutting grass around the city.

— Brennan Whitehouse (@Brenwhitehouse) 8 Sep 2018

And he has his own mower? I work for a company and we always need help mowing lawns around town.

I live in a condo but just pretended Tom cut our lawn and sent him $20.

— Dean Millard (@DuckMillard) 8 Sep 2018

I live in a condominium, but pretended That cut my lawn and sent him $ 20.

Thanks for sharing this! We don’t have a lawn but $20 has been sent to Tom

— Ramone (@thesquireyeg) September 9, 2018

Thank you for sharing this. We have no lawn, but there is $ 20, so we just sent him the money.

Tom asked I delete the tweet.
Too much attention.
I respect that & have deleted it.

He & I are very grateful.
Thank you for showing we are all capable of good things!!!!
Please use the momentum to do something good for family, a friend, neighbour or stranger.
It’s really easy.

— tim adams (@TimAdamsCBC) 11 Sep 2018

Tom asked me to delete a tweet. A lot of attention. I respect his request, so I deleted the post. We are very grateful. Thank you for showing that we are all capable of good deeds! Please use this energy to do something good for family, friend, neighbor or stranger. It’s really easy.

