The Indian artist has created masterpieces out of simple paper (photo)
He needed only an x-ACTO knife.
Indian artist Party Kotekar cut paper works of art.
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Kotekar lives in Ahmadabad, a city in Western India. The first carving was his hobby, but then the Party started stencils professionally.
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For his works Kotekar uses plain white paper and a utility knife. When the Party starts working, you wouldn’t know what the image will eventually appear in front of him. It attracts him in the work the most.
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Kotekar there is a small gallery. Exhibited in her work you can buy a pre-contract with the artist.
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See also:
- Black humor: characters Disney moved into the real world
- The artist has created fabulous sculptures in the Dead sea
- Looks like “the House opposite of fate” in Japan (photo)