In Amsterdam found a way to save the bees
Throughout the world they are dying at an alarming rate.
In the Dutch capital for almost two decades successfully implement a project aimed at saving the bees.
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While worldwide the number of these extremely important insects are declining rapidly, in Amsterdam it has grown by 45% since 2000. The city has a population of 2.3 million people has adopted a comprehensive program to save the bees.
The urban program involves three important steps. First, in Amsterdam create favorable conditions for these insects, increasing the size of the field with grasses, flowers and weeds, typical of the region.
Now along the highway, the railroad, in city parks and in the suburbs instead of the perfect lawn, you can see the overgrown, unkempt appearance areas.
Four years ago adopted a program under which half of all green spaces will be allocated for local plant species-honey plants.
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The second step — the ban on the use of pesticides. Residents and businesses provide information about how to use alternative methods of protection and treatment of plants.
The public is aware of the importance of caring for the environment. It’s part of our culture.Gert Timmermansgatan ecologist
The third step in the project plans that the city plans to create additional green spaces, for example, self-regulating systems on the roofs of buildings. So not only creates a favorable environment for bees, but also reduces the dependence on heating and cooling, because green roofs help to control climate within buildings.
The program for the conservation of bees heavily invested. Only one of the stabilization Fund was added to 38.5 million dollars.
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Bees are “responsible” for about a third of the global harvest. In the case of the disappearance of these insects there is a sharp shortage of food and famine in many regions, scientists say. In Europe, every winter dies about 20% of bee colonies in the U.S. — about 30%.
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