Why saffron costs more than gold? And what other products are not affordable for everyone?

Why saffron costs more than gold? And what other products are not affordable for everyone?

Some of these food ingredients differ astronomical price — do you know the most expensive Goodies?


Saffron is one of the most expensive food ingredients in the world, worth more than gold. But what other products can compete with saffron in price? Why they are so expensive? And are they really worth it?

Employees of Bi-bi-si, working on the program Food Programme, examined all the expensive food on the planet. And here is what was listed:

1. Saffron

If your figure Shine like gold, then most likely, it was made with saffron.

Spice, nicknamed the “red gold”, is a bright orange pterostigma or stigma, of the flower of the Crocus, used as a food dye. And it is not just “weight in gold” she is more precious than gold, if you compare the cost per gram. But why is saffron so expensive?

The reasons are simple. Saffron crocuses bloom only for a week or two a year, in autumn; collection of spices time-consuming, because they can be collected and processed only manually.

And each small flower only three stigmas, that is, for one kilogram of saffron requires about two football pitches of crocuses. Is 300000 colors.2. Caviar

Sturgeon ROE is considered one of the greatest delicacies in the world. It is difficult to handle and pack, but more importantly, it is very small in nature. The most famous caviar is Beluga caviar, sturgeon fish inhabiting Caspian sea and the Black sea.

Because Beluga is endangered, it is legally possible to sell a very small amount of her calf.

To produce caviar, the Beluga takes up to two decades, but to extract the ROE, the fish must be killed.

Even rarer sturgeon caviar-albino, this species is almost completely extinct in the wild.

According to “the Guinness Book of records”, the most expensive was the eggs of older species of Beluga-the albino at the age of about 100 years. Her white ROE was sold for 34 and a half thousand dollars per kilogram.

3. Oysters

Oysters, which are now considered a luxury, has not always been the delicacy of secured class.

In the early nineteenth century, oysters were cheap, like potatoes, eat them simple laborers and the villagers. There were so many that oysters stuffed pies. But overexploitation and environmental pollution dramatically affected stocks of oysters, and the deficit has increased the cost.

Their prices in different restaurants around the world vary, but a dozen of these shellfish in one of London’s finest seafood restaurants will cost you about $ 65. At the famous borough market to buy oysters for £ 10 ($13) for 8 pieces, but serve them on a paper plate and in the crush. On the coast is even cheaper, but still available to all product, not exactly.

