Russian geneticists have learned to predict the appearance of future children

Russian geneticists have learned to predict the appearance of future children

Scientific employees of the company Genotek has developed a method that allows to predict the appearance of the child, including, color of eyes and hair, according to genetic data of the parents, reported the press service of the company.

“The new algorithm allows parents to predict the color of eyes and hair of their future children. Color of eyes or hair on 90% determined by the genes that a person inherits from their parents. However, according to their external features to predict the appearance of a child with a high precision is impossible — only the color of the eyes depends on 6 different genes. The mechanisms of inheritance and mutual influence of many genes is quite complex, so scientists are developing mathematical models to predict the inheritance of external signs of the person”, — is spoken in the message.

The company noted that “the use of machine learning allowed professionals Genotek to create your algorithm, which takes into account the impact of 30 different genes on a person’s appearance and allows high accuracy to predict the birth of a child with a certain color of eyes, hair or skin”.

It is noted that this method may become relevant in the case of mass diffusion of IVF or editing of the genome to select parents the appearance of their children.

