Police new Jersey saved from the flood, the bride in her wedding day

Police new Jersey saved from the flood, the bride in her wedding day

Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Not the best way started family life, the couple from new Jersey. On the way to a wedding party of young people were in the road trap.

The fact that all weekend in new Jersey was heavy rain that caused flooding. Because of the flood roads were closed and the wedding procession got stuck in the middle of the street.

To help the newlyweds came, police and rescue workers. On the official page in Facebook of the police Department of the district of Bogota in new Jersey appeared the video, which law enforcement officers help the bride in her wedding dress to escape from the flooded half of the car.

Unfortunately due to the quickly rising flood waters, this bride, her new husband and wedding party friends, got a rough start on things. The fortunate thing is we were able to help them through their first rough patch. Obviously their day has not gone as planned, so let’s congratulate them on their wedding and give them best wishes for a lifetime of love and adventure, starting now‼ this?? #boroughofbogota #bogotanj #bogotapolicedepartment #bogotapolicedept #bogotapolicenj #bogotapolice #bogotanjpolicedept #bogotanjpolicedepartment #bogotapd #BPD Daily Voice Bergen County CLIFFVIEWPILOT.COM News 12 New Jersey ABC7 CBS New York Law Officer Law Enforcement Today

Published by the Bogota Police Department on Saturday, August 11, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

The report also says that the newlyweds and their guests were alive and well, although the festive mood was spoiled for sure.

