Fly prevented to set the record fall of 600 thousand details of Domino

Fly prevented to set the record fall of 600 thousand details of Domino

In the German Nidda fly prevented to set a world record for the drop of the chain of mini-dominoes.

A group of enthusiasts for two weeks created the longest chain of dominoes the size of a pinky fingernail. However, the fly provoked the reaction ahead of time, reports REN TV.

Kleine Panne, große Folgen: Fliege stößt gegen Dominostein – Weltrekord futsch

— Meister-Warti (@MeisterWarti) 4 Aug 2018

However, the efforts of the participants were not in vain. They managed to bring down a chain of 569 229 details of the planned 600 thousand. The process took about 15 minutes and was the longest chain reaction in Germany.

Biologists from California previously discovered an unusual fungus that penetrates into the brain of fruit flies-fruit flies and turns them into obedient zombies, spreading it among healthy insects.

