The FSB has proposed to consider the bears the strategically important resources of Russia
Moscow. July 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Federal security service of Russia has prepared amendments to the government decree on the list of strategically important goods and resources.
The document is available on the portal of projects of legal acts. He currently is under public discussion and independent anti-corruption expertise.
FSB proposes changes to the regulation of Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the list of strategically important goods and resources for the purposes of article 226.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation” (article 226.1 for smuggling of strategically important goods and resources or cultural values or especially valuable wild animals and aquatic biological resources”.
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In particular, it is proposed to determine that strategically important goods and resources for which large size is the cost, in excess of one hundred thousand, are subject to the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora under the threat of disappearance, from March 3, 1973, brown bear, Himalayan or Asiatic black bear, musk deer (small cloven-hoofed — if).
Every year, the country recorded cases of illegal hunting of bears. Often the poachers kill the animals for subsequent sale to dealers from Eastern countries. So bear paws are one of the delicacies of Asian cuisine, along with the bile are used in traditional medicine. Although, for example, in China officially selling meat of brown bears is prohibited.