In Texas, firefighters extinguished twice samovosproizvoditsja chips
Spontaneous combustion corn chips caused a fire at a factory in the U.S. city of Austin, said the local fire Department.
It is noted that burned the facade of the building and some cases of defective products. Several large boxes of waste caught fire a few days later, and firefighters had to return.
Published by the Austin Fire Department Wednesday, July 18, 2018At boot time the error occurred.
“Corn chips play an important role for local businesses. And we perceive them seriously, because we consume such important food like chili con keso, salsa, nachos and all sorts of other Goodies, so necessary to the Texans for a full life and comfort. So imagine our excitement when we were called to the fire due to a fire in a factory for the manufacture of corn chips. And not once, but twice!”, — wrote in “Facebook” fire Department of the city of Austin.
Published by the Austin Fire Department Wednesday, July 18, 2018At boot time the error occurred.
The factory was experimenting with new ways of getting rid of waste arising from the manufacture of chips, but something went wrong, said firefighters.
Published by the Austin Fire Department Wednesday, July 18, 2018At boot time the error occurred.
In the end, the fire drowned all the remaining boxes of waste, to avoid the risk of a new fire. Firefighters said the damage was minor because it was burning only a facade and a waste.