Scientists have named the five best food fat burners

Scientists have named the five best food fat burners

Scientists have named five ingredients that effectively burn fat, improve lymphatic flow and metabolism.

According to the website of the TV channel REN TV, first and foremost, people who are overweight need to include in your diet artichokes. This product is rich in dietary fibers and antioxidants, it activates the production of bile and normalize cholesterol, and is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Also pay attention to the grapefruit. This low-calorie fruit prevents overeating and normalize blood sugar.

To increase muscle mass and accelerate metabolism helps whey. To improve liver you can use green tea and Cayenne pepper cleanse arteries and prostimulirujte circulation.

See also: You do it almost every day: 10 habits that lead to gastritis and ulcer

