Evaluated the knowledge of students at the end of the exam
645 thousand graduates of 2018 year surpassed their predecessors by results of Unified state examination. This was reported by “Izvestia”.
The main wave of unified state examination was completed on 2 July. For compulsory exam average has increased qualitatively. Thus, the average score on the Russian language rose from 69 to 70,93. The results of the exam in basic math (on a scale) increased by one and a half points from 2.79 to 4.29.
However, the Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor of Anson Musayev does not consider the increase in use results significant: “the Last few years the average scores for all subjects are overall on the same level. To expect infinite growth is wrong — can themselves to a standstill to drive. Now we come to the Golden mean”, — writes the edition.
Also increased the number of students who received high scores in the exam. From 80 to 100 points exam written almost two percent more graduates: 26.7% vs 25.
5 July it became known that the majority of respondents have noticed deterioration in the quality of knowledge among students. According to the results of the poll, 77 percent of Russians believe that cramming for tests in preparation for the exam, reduces the real level of knowledge.