The photographer showed ordinary people with celebrity names
Though not always “star” names to help them in life.
Photographer Tom Goodall from New Zealand has created an interesting project called “Almost famous”, which found the namesakes of the celebrities.
Without leaving New Zealand, Goodall found people whose first and last names the whole world knows, and we know what they are doing.
For example, new Zealand Julia Roberts lives in a small town and works as a pizza delivery boy, and Clint Eastwood electrician.
During the download an error has occurred.Julia Roberts, pizza, Tauranga
During the download an error has occurred.Clint Eastwood, electrician, Pukekohe
The photographer also found a local student, Ben Affleck, pharmacist Jackie Chan, programmer Michael Jordan, a Museum employee, Anthony Hopkins and Smith Sarah Jessica Parker.
During the download an error has occurred.Ben Affleck, student, city, Dandino words of the main characters of the project, due to their own names, they often got into an awkward situation: someone didn’t take them seriously, and someone even tried to hunt down, taking over the real stars.
All these people Goodall photographed in the images of their famous namesakes.
During the download an error has occurred.Jackie Chan, the pharmacist, Ellerslie
During the download an error has occurred.Michael Jordan, programmer, Ellerslie.
During the download an error has occurred.Anthony Hopkins, Museum worker, Wellington
During the download an error has occurred.Sarah Jessica Parker, Smith, Warkworth