Parallel world. In Tokyo discovered an unusual digital Museum (photos)
Want to feel like the hero of a science fiction movie? Then you need to go to Japan.
At the end of June in Tokyo was opened the Museum of digital art, where will be exhibited the work of 400 Japanese artists, and scholars.
In an area of 10 thousand square meters, you can see about 50 incredible works, with which visitors can interact: they change or move depending on the touch or light.
During the download an error has occurred.
All images are computerized and operate in real-time. In order to ensure their correct operation is required 520 470 computers and projectors.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.