22-year-old Filipina did the makeup during childbirth (photos)

22-year-old Filipina did the makeup during childbirth (photos)

She just wanted to feel perfect in such a crucial moment.

Lee Ann Jarrell, which is now together with her husband lives in Louisiana, and always thought of myself as attractive enough, and therefore early became interested in makeup. She did not want to part with the usual way during their first childbirth. Lying in the hospital, the girl struck 14-stage make-up (apart from mascara and Foundation, but also the contouring and sequins on the eyelids). She did it during labor and interrupted only when the pain became unbearable. In all it took just over an hour.

Publication from L e e A n n J a r r e l l (@leeannjarrell) December 14, 2017 7:01 PST

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In your makeup Jarrell used waterproof makeup, because she knew that may sweat or tears during childbirth. In addition, she was asked to set next to her mirror, to be able to control your appearance during the process.

NewsHow much time do women spend on makeup and why

At the surprised looks of the staff, Lee Anne said she wants to look perfect during the birth of her baby and look good on pictures after the baby is born.

The story happened in December of last year, but journalists learned about it only now. After the publicity of the story, Jarrell love to start doing interviews. In one of them she noted that even before the birth of her daughter woke up every day at five in the morning to two hours to do makeup and get to work. Such delusions spouse doesn’t approve and thinks she is beautiful without makeup, but Lee Anne admitted that without this feels ugly and is always on the “perfect” girls in social networks. Incidentally, Lee Anne is now butyrophenom.

Publication from L e e A n n J a r r e l l (@leeannjarrell) 2 Feb 2018 1:56 PST

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Publication from L e e A n n J a r r e l l (@leeannjarrell) Mar 6 2018 7:14 PST

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Publication from L e e A n n J a r r e l l (@leeannjarrell) APR 29, 2018 at 5:48 PDT

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