Fortified with a diploma. How to allocate students in Belarus

Fortified with a diploma. How to allocate students in Belarus

In Russia recently spoke about labor distribution following universities: the return of the Soviet practice of President Vladimir Putin requested during the annual direct line, and in April the bill was submitted to the Duma.

Russian service Bi-bi-si tells how the system is still functioning in the neighboring country of Belarus.

“From conscription to get rid of. From the distribution — no way! My “duty” even longer than military service and promises no less extreme,” says Maxim, a frequenter of the Minsk get-togethers. By August 1, he is required to come to the district in the South of Belarus.

And, most likely, are: 98% of those who received a referral (MoE at the end of 2017) prefer not to risk it.

In Belarus since the Soviet times the system of distribution of graduates of higher and secondary special educational institutions, but among the innovations of recent years — more than one hundred percent reimbursement of state expenditures for education for unwilling to fulfill the appointed time.

The system of control over these payments strict: do not settle with the state, cannot, for example, to travel abroad or to issue the credit.

However, young professionals are provided benefits, and have the opportunity to use the distribution “so that was not excruciatingly painful” (as advised Soviet classics).

Go to the village

“In the agro Oboltzy I arrived two years ago, was sent after Vitebsk medical University and years of residency in the district hospital. A month spent at a local, in his office of the head of rural dispensaries, then became very cold, and there was the oven — I climbed up on the bed, placing himself all that was in my travel bag”, — says smiling young doctor in his Volodkevich.

The stove was found in an old country house with rotten floors and no indoor plumbing, and that happy occasion occupied his half of the young teacher, having fulfilled the provisions on distribution, left Abeltsev, and the new teacher to the designated place of testing arrived.

By law, distributed to young professionals to provide housing, field it — as it turns out.

In “inheritance,” the young doctor got the old washboard (“Rarity! Vitali shows a photo of his arrival. — Such only in old primers is where the “Mom in the kitchen washing clothes”), rake and MOP. Bonus — the glass in the Windows installed still marssa here lodger.

Clogged with soot grubco — heating the room oven — I had to break down and put on the new; the old kiln couch Vitaly warms, returning home from work; cook in a slow cooker (no gas); linen wash carries to mom for 30 kilometers. Talk to peers, to the cinema, theater or other entertainment place goes to Minsk, and such travel is usually planned for the day: bus from Obilicev in the district Grodno departs in the evening and overcomes 30 miles per hour 40 minutes; then train or train — and the capital will be in the middle of the night.

Everything else is in order, says Volodkevich. The salary of a young head of the rural clinic approximately $ 400 together with allowances, the provisions of young professional in rural areas, enviable for the periphery (the average salary in Belarus does not reach promised by President Lukashenko, $ 500; wages in rural areas, typically in half-second below the city).

Clinic, where nachalstvom Vitaly Vladimirovich, — neat and equipped a small clinic, day hospital, physiotherapy, laboratory, dental office and pharmacy kiosk. The team, according to him, is a great.

That’s just to stay in Oblico young doctor is not going to. Admits tries with pay to dig “a new start”.

In the village you on the side of life work. The village is living out his life, youth there is not left. There are no prospects.Vitaly Volodkevich

Graduates of the budgetary form of training in Belarus usually work out the distribution for two years; but in his Volodkevich so-called “televik” — were taken to medical University-contract health facilities.

These target enterprises or organizations give applicant the right to obtain free higher, higher, vocational and postgraduate education (for “tselevikov” at admission — private competition). The state pays for education “tselevikov” to make up for the shortage of personnel in socially significant spheres; but the term of obligatory work after graduation to higher education — at least five years.

To work out the distribution of Volodkevich need another three years.Become a star

31-year-old Denis Nikiforov is a celebrity not only on a regional scale. School in agro Osinovka, where he works as a Director Nikiforov know in the country and in Europe, the school attracted 32 thousand dollars of investment, implementing a joint UN development Program and European Union projects.

“We have become a powerhouse of initiatives,” smiles Denis Vladimirovich, giving a detailed account as part of one of the programs audited costs, retool school facilities utility energy-saving light bulbs, refitted kitchen and change dripping taps to single lever, taught rural population economy — in the school example.

