Unusual creature found on the beach in Namibia was cluburilor

Unusual creature found on the beach in Namibia was cluburilor

MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. The remains of a mysterious sea creature was found on an idyllic beach in Namibia, the researchers first looked confused, reports the Daily Mail.

Strange sea creature reminiscent of both a whale and a Dolphin, but the poor condition of the remains was difficult to determine.

Scientists initially could not understand what it is, but later identified it as the rare whale. Now they believe that animal is a whale or Cuvier Cuvier klaveril second, found in Namibia since 2000.

“The body of this animal was in a state of severe decomposition, — said the researcher of the project “the Namibian Dolphin” (NDP), Dr. Simon Alvin. — However, based on the shape of the head and jaws, the research team is confident that this klaveril Cuvier”.

It belongs to the order Cetacea, family luvaridae, class — mammals. The animal grows up to seven meters and can weigh two or three tons.

