Is it true that sweeteners healthier than sugar?

Is it true that sweeteners healthier than sugar?

Everything you wanted to know about the dangers and benefits of sugar substitutes, but were afraid to ask.

We are a generation spoiled with sugar and saturated with it.

NewsDietary habits, from which to refuse right now

Excess sugar in the diet can contribute to weight gain and to trigger the development of diabetes, so better and more useful would be if each of us will eat a day not more than 7 teaspoons of sugar.

The public health England (Public Health England) expects that the consumption of sugar (including sugar contained in other products) will be reduced in 2020 by 50%.

This purpose the government of England expect to achieve through the wider distribution of sugar substitutes. They have no calories, but give the sweet taste. But how are they useful for health?

So, what are the sweeteners?

A huge number of them, add them to a variety of foods, including dietary meals and drinks.

They all serve one purpose: add sweetness to taste with minimum calories.

Some of them — saccharin, Sucralose, Acesulfame potassium and aspartame, is much sweeter than sugar, so perfect for adding in low-calorie soft drinks and sugarless gum.

Xylitol and sorbitol are more like regular sugar, so are suitable for use in the confectionery industry.

Can I use them?

If you ask professionals, most of them will say that it is your own business and your choice.

To limit the consumption of sugar is not a bad thing, it helps to reduce the risks of diabetes and obesity, helps to maintain healthy teeth.

When you realize that in an ordinary Bank Coca-Cola contains the equivalent of 9 pieces of sugar — more than the daily norm of an adult, you could not reflect on the diet version of the drink.

