A joke petition has turned into a meme and can change the English language

A joke petition has turned into a meme and can change the English language

The author obviously did not expect such a reaction.

An unexpected petition appeared on the website Change.org. The author proposed to replace the English word No (No) Yesn’t (the negative form of the word Yes — Yes).

Originally written under the name Snowside did not set myself any serious goals. Screenshot of his petition he also posted in social networks. But people liked it so much his idea, they began to massively sign the document.


— e-mo (@fIame) May 16, 2018

Change the word “No” in English “Yesn’t”

At the time of writing the news the petition was supported by about 29 thousand people (initially, the author hoped to get at least 100 votes).

I have to lol pic.twitter.com/SHReaq6Utw

— StarzStudio? (@starzstudio19) May 17, 2018

This “Yesn’t” from me

Variation No/Yesn’t almost immediately became a meme and users of social networks began to make funny pictures with words and to offer all combinations of the letters N and O change to t Yesn’.


— wafia (@ratseok) May 18, 2018

Yes yesn’t pic.twitter.com/J1qWTtuc6v

— rohaan (@2brightforyou) May 17, 2018

“Men”/ “men”

Much better now #YESNT pic.twitter.com/ppfodF1uXj

— songochang @reisfeld (@songochang) May 18, 2018

Yesn’t or t non’pic.twitter.com/0QB4wZvx6I

— Baller Memes (@_baller_memes) May 18, 2018

Change the No to Yesn’t is the most important job of the authorities.

Yesn’t pic.twitter.com/XE4doFOBhZ

— nihonium (@nihonium_ium) May 17, 2018

Not only men, but “not men” and “not adults”.

Yesn’t pic.twitter.com/0jKDtdbgnu

— yuki ✿ (@thugboora) May 16, 2018

made by u/thylurker https://t.co/0xBOGVxl9m pic.twitter.com/K24eNMv68G

— yesn’t (@yesnt_irl) May 17, 2018

