78% of Russians said about the lack of serious problems because of the sanctions of the West

78% of Russians said about the lack of serious problems because of the sanctions of the West

The presence of very serious difficulties in your life with sanctions has bound only 3% of respondents.

Moscow. May 14. INTERFAX.RU About 80% of Russians do not see themselves and their families special problems because of anti-Russian sanctions of the West, however, 18% of respondents believe that faced with serious problems because of the sanctions pressure from the West, have informed “Interfax” in the “Levada-the centre” on the results of a poll.

To the question, “did the sanctions of Western countries against Russia the problem for You and Your family?”, 33% of respondents said that sanctions “have not created any problems,” while 45% of respondents believe that sanctions and pressure will not create serious problems.

Only 3% of Russians believe that Western sanctions have created for their lives “very serious problems”, while 15% of respondents stated that the sanctions pressure on Russia has led to a “pretty serious issues”.

26% of Russians told pollsters that they “are absolutely not concerned about” political and economic sanctions by the West in connection with the attitude of official Moscow towards Ukraine, while 42% of respondents stated that this kind of pressure on Russia “not too worried”.

