The artist creates amazing paper flowers (photo)

The artist creates amazing paper flowers (photo)

One job can take from 10 to 40 hours of painstaking work.

Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) APR 9, 2018 8:07 PDT

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Artist Pippa Girlage of British Yorkshire creates a wonderful composition of paper. She to the last detail thought out all the patterns, and then cuts them with a special cutter.

Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 20 Feb 2018 at 5:57 PST

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In search of something special, the girl stumbled on a very thin and delicate paper, which is produced only in Japan. Due to the material, her flowers, animals and other compositions make a very unusual and delicate.

According to Delagi, one work (from sketch), she spends 10 to 40 hours.

But the result is worth it.

Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 6 Mar 2018 1:20 PST

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Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 22 APR 2018 10:40 PDT

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Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) APR 2, 2018 at 3:52 PDT

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Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 22 Feb 2018 10:01 PST

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Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 26 Mar 2018 2:39 PDT

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Publication of Pippa Dyrlaga (@bearfollowscat) 20 Mar 2018 1:17 PDT

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