Russian scientists found the fat Belka motley seals

Russian scientists found the fat Belka motley seals

And it’s beautiful.


On the island of utashud in the South Kamchatka Federal reserve name T. I. Shpilenok that plays a unique…

Published Kronotsky nature reserve on 15 April 2018At boot time the error occurred.

A funny discovery was made on the island of utashud employee of the South Kamchatka Federal reserve name T. I. Shpilenok, when carried out there is a recalculation of populations of spotted seals.

According to scientists, they found the thickest baby spotted seals in the entire history of the existence of the reserve.

Experts note that, apparently, the mother of Belek very skilled fisherwoman, her milk is rich and nutritious. The chubby kid the Rangers already ironically dubbed Groom, by analogy with the well-known Internet meme Jdoom.

