Stand-up, the actress joked about her ex-husband. He sued!

Stand-up, the actress joked about her ex-husband. He sued!

In 2017, the British Comedy actress and journalist Louise beaumont has introduced a new stand-up show “Hard Mode”. She basically joked about censorship and offered the audience to imagine a situation in which “Bi-bi-si” would be under the control of the government of China.

Published by Louise Reay November 11, 2016while downloading an error has occurred.

Like many of the performances stand-up comedians, the show at beaumont was based on her personal experience: she lived in China and filmed documentaries for “bi-Bi-si”, and also worked together with the Chinese artist AI Veyveem.

The script of the show on stage with Louise, people go in masks depicting police officers who threaten the public. As follows from the reviews on the website Boquets & Brickbats (to watch shows on the Internet), from time to time at beaumont jokes about recent breakup with her husband — and even shows the wedding video. The author of the review Philip Kaveny says that jokes about her husband completely off the canvas of the performances of Louise and “too rough”, and the show in General is pretty mediocre.

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Former husband of Louise Thomas ray jokes are not too much, and he decided to go to court. At the time of filing of the claim, the couple has separated.

Thomas accuses Louise of defamation requires at least 30 thousand pounds and asked the court to ban the actress to talk about it.

Louise beaumont found out about the lawsuit on January 30. 15 February, she launched a fundraiser for legal fees — she needs 10 thousand pounds, otherwise it will go bankrupt and not be able to defend themselves in court. Louise is sure that the former spouse is trying to violate her right to freedom of expression and censor speech. At the time of writing of the text of “Medusa” Louise has already raised nearly half the amount needed.

Attorneys Thomas Beaumont say that Louise revealed the personal data of her ex-husband and accused him of inappropriate behavior. What exactly are the charges, not reported: neither Louisa nor Thomas did not specify what was the nature of jokes about the breakup in a speech at beaumont.

British law protects comedians from accusations of libel. But if earlier we had to convince the jury that the plaintiff was offended by the joke, but now such things judges consider for themselves. In fact, the fate of a claim depends on understand the joke the judge or not. A similar case without a jury would consider in the UK for the first time, writes The Guardian.

