Foreign media admired the figure of Vladimir Putin

Foreign media admired the figure of Vladimir Putin

January 19 Orthodox celebrate Epiphany, one of the rituals which is a night swim. Did not break tradition and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who plunged into the hole in the lake near the monastery of the Nilo-Stolobenskaya deserts in the Tver region.

The Russian head of state, who is known for active lifestyle, first posed in front of cameras during the Epiphany bathing, though, by words a press-Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, Putin for many years annually takes part in the ritual, reports TASS.

The audience was impressed trim figure 65-year-old President: photos and video of Putin on the lake has attracted attention, in particular, and the foreign media that rasulevich the Russian leader for “great form”. “Amid cooling in relations with Washington, a strong man took the opportunity to show off your great figure while his American counterpart, Donald trump has faced problems in relation to his waist,” writes the Daily Mail.

Note that Mr Sands has answered the question of why earlier Epiphany bathing Russian President did not advertise: “it Was quite a lot of the parishioners, the President for a short part of the prayer service, which was in the temple. (…) So I decided to show you. Before it was more discrete”.

Earlier sportiness and powerful torso of the President of Russia has already become a hot topic in the Western media. After Putin’s trip to southern Siberia in the summer of 2017, the Network appeared a huge number of photos and videos with its fishing, some of the images even become a meme.

